The Truth Behind Being Seen on Google – What Is SEO?

The Google search engine is a miraculous thing. I’m inclined to think that in most people’s minds, different websites are simply “awarded” their Google ranks based on their popularity… and that Google controls who gets to be most popular.

However, there’s a small percentage of people I know of who know that they are the ones who can influence Google’s rankings with a certain amount of discretion and carefulness. These people are known as Search Engine Optimization, or SEO for short, practitioners.

SEO, done properly, has amazing twofold benefits. Google’s bot crawls like a spider through all the sites of the Internet, and knows what a site is about when it discovers the content all pertains to a certain topic, so that website is more likely to rank for search terms related to its intended topic. Ethical on-page search engine optimization can help clarify the meaning of your content not just to search engines, but also to human readers, who look for useful, practical content. This is of special importance for businesses. Say you’re a business owner and you’re working with - – one of the things that this SEO company will do is add keywords specific to your niche to your homepage, and tweak the writing overall so that its intention is clear.

Bottom line is, when your SEO practitioner of choice is going to -, it’s best to choose someone who has a strong knowledge of writing and working with content.

Another facet of great SEO is that Google prioritizes your site above others when they see more people are talking about you. This is called your “backlinks,” and it is essentially a measure of popularity; when people who are in your same industry link to you, and when popular, brand-name authoritative sites link to you, Google knows you’re more important than others on account of the association with relevant and high-status names, so they are more likely to place you higher in search results. When you trust -, you can be assured they will use intelligent off-page SEO to widen your Google visibility.

Now that you know about the truth behind Google and that websites can be pushed up in search results with more techniques that you imagined, get ready to hire an SEO consultant to expand your traffic and visibility.

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Personvernombud informasjonssikkerhet

The EU GDPR is a brand-new set of decree that aims to strengthen protections for personal data and to ensure consistency of such protections across the EU. The arrangement builds upon the EU’s existing 1995 Data Protection Directive, an important set of laws that predates ubiquitous smart phones and the rise of social media and other online services (search, email, etc.) that companies offer free-of-charge to users, but finance with data-driven targeted advertising. The EU regulation expands the directive’s privacy protections and introduces new safeguards in return to these technological developments.

In the digital age, everything a person does online generates or implicates goods that can be highly acknowledge about their private life. The GDPR acknowledge new ways people can protect their personal data, and by extension their privacy and other human rights. It gives everyone more control, and crave businesses, governments, and other organizations to acknowledge more about their data practices, and regulates the way they collect, process, and stock people’s data.


Persona data is defined broadly under the GDPR to include “any advice relating to an identified or identifiable person.” Thus, even goods that does not directly identify a named person, but could still help identify them, is still capped by the law. This definition encompasses online and accessory identifiers (like IP addresses, cookies, or device IDs), location data, user names, and pseudonymous data.

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